Saturday we just hung out, cleaned the house and did nothing much else. The house didn't take the long to clean since we cleaned it a lot last weekend. Sunday we had church and then in the afternoon we had Super Soaker Sunday with the students. We bought a ton of water balloons and a cool slip n' slide. The teens had a blast and got soaked, dried and then soaked again. We had so much fun. The coolest part is that we had like 5-7 families who came and hung out with us, ate some food and had good conversation. Monday we got up as slow as possible. Made lunch around 11 and just hung out till 2, when we went to church to spend time with some families.
Another great time of just hanging out and building community. I am hoping that over the summer we (the church) create more times for our congregation to build community with one another and grow closer as a people. I am thinking of starting to have Sunday Afternoon lunches where people just hang out at church, grill out and build community. I think it will be great for everyone.