We have had a rough 7 months and we still aren't sure where we are going. I landed a part-time position at Epworth UMC as their Director of Family Ministries. I am working under a great pastor named Bill who, funny enough, isn't Methodist but is leading a Methodist Church (that is a post for another day). He has great knowledge of the church and is my mentor in the UMC Licensing process. He has a heart for reaching the lost and doing justice. He has brought this church through some major tough times. I am glad to be working with and learning from him.
I am continuing to look for different jobs throughout the city. I have applied to well over 150 jobs so far and nothing has happened. I am hoping to at least find a part-time job to make up some of the difference. We have had to rely on assistance from the government and local township to help meet our bills. God has also provided some needed help from friends, family and strangers.
This reliance on God has been somewhat of a revelation for Beth and I. I mean, you always talk about relying on God but that is usually from the comfort of your home after eating a full meal while paying bills from your full-time position. I have discovered that really relying on God takes a ton of faith. I know that God is taking care of us but emotionally I am wanting to take charge and figure out a way to fix it myself. When you live paycheck to paycheck, you almost always know that things will get paid but when your paychecks are covering less than half your monthly bills, you have no idea how you are going to make it, much less plan for things like new clothes, vacations or even eating out when you don't want to cook.
This time has caused me to really look at what and how our family spends money. We have to really look at the importance of paying for something since our cash flow isn't like it used to be. I have also realized that even though we are struggling to pay bills and wondering where money is going to come from, we still aren't in near as much trouble as others are around the world. We still have a roof over our head, we still eat three meals a day and we aren't worried about not being able to take care of ourselves. There are others who don't have a roof over their head, have no idea where their next meal will come from and worry each day of danger that might end their life.
So to wrap up: We are seven months into not having a full-time position but God is continually showing us that He is faithful to take care of us. We believe we are following His path for us and have comfort in that.
You can read the first two posts here: Part 1, Part 2
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