
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The wait is over...

The day has come and gone for me (I know it isn't over but my voting is).  Beth come home at lunch, picked me up and we headed to Prairie Point Elementary and voted.  We were worried about having to wait in line forever, and once we got there we saw the line was out the building.  The cool thing was we only stood in line for like five minutes.  Funny story, a man popped up behind us and started making small talk about hoping to beat the lunch rush.  Then a lady came out of the building looking for people whose last names started with L - Q, bingo, that was us.  We followed her into the building, walked right up to the lady checking ID's and handing out ballots.  We were done in less than 15 minutes.  We took longer to fill out the ballot than actually waiting in line.

As I filled out the ballot, I realized how little I had followed the other races going on.  Some of the names I knew, some I didn't.  Another funny story, I actually wrote myself in as a write-in.  I think it was State Administrator.  The only other candidate was a democrat and since I was in a funny mood, I wrote my own name in.  I am pretty sure I won't get elected, oh well...

My vote for president was the last choice I made on the ballot.  I wasn't really sure who to vote for because to me both candidates are the not the best candidates for the job but the best candidates the two parties think can win so they can be in control.  I did really struggle with this decision and probably still not sure I voted for the right person.  I just pray that whoever is elected, that they will allow God to lead them rather than the money in Washington.  I think that is a tall order on the part of McCain or Obama, but with God all things are possible.

If you haven't voted, get out and vote.  If you have, continue to pray as the results will start coming in within the next few hours.  God help us...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, too, am unsure of whether I voted for the "correct" candidate and have been praying about it. It was a very interesting first presidential election for me. I wish more of my friends at college had registered to vote in Douglas County or gotten an absentee ballot. People are so lazy about that these days. Or else uneducated, I don't know. It's not like it was hard to get a Platte County absentee...just google MO voting.

Anyway, keep up the blogging, Roy! Miss you! Probably see you over thanksgiving.