I read Doug's book PDYM over 6 years ago, thanks to a youth pastor I was working at the time. I read through it, took note of some of the ideas but never fully bought into it. Since then I implemented little bits of the purpose-driven philosophy but never all the way. I was hoping this conference would help me decide once and for all if I wanted a ministry that was purpose-driven or just keep going the way I was.
Anyways, I got here on Monday, grab some dinner and headed to the hotel. I got up at 6am on Tuesday (8am Central Time) and couldn't fall back asleep. So, I got in the sweet ride I am driving and headed to Manhattan Beach (45 minutes away) to see the ocean and enjoy the view. The 350Z is going to get me a ticket (almost already did) before the weekend is over. It is incredibly fast and has awesome pickup. Driving 90 feels like nothing for it. I loved driving to the beach, I love being on the beach and watching the surfers (vowed to get in shape for this summer so I could surf when we come back).
The Conference began with a great opening set by the Saddleback student band. They did a great job. They have done a great job all week (so far). It is great to see these kids lead youth pastors in worship. As I as was watching them, it amazed me how they seemed to forget we were there and just sing to God. Very cool.
more later...
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