I have been sensing a shift in youth ministry over the last few years. I have seen articles that confirm what I have been thinking. I am thankful to say youth ministry is moving away from the idea that games will bring students in. We are moving away from the fun aspect and focusing more on God. Don't get me wrong, I believe games are important. I just don't believe they need to be the bedrock of youth ministry and students are agreeing.
Games have been a part of youth ministry for a long time. I remember being in youth group in the late 80's/90's and we did all kinds of games. Ping-pong was my favorite. Today, you will find a game in almost all youth ministries across the country. Games like dodgeball, foursquare, games system and board games. Games during worship, lock-ins retreats and get togethers. Youth Pastors use them to draw in kids as a fun element that people like. Some youth ministries are only about games and some use them sparingly or not at all.
Here are some things that can happen if games are center:
1. You will have to always been prepared to play a game. If games are your ministries focus, then you will always need one. The games will always need to be better than the last one played.
2. Students will believe that church equals games. I believe this is the biggest issue. We have terrible problems with students leaving the church when they go to college and I think part of that is because youth ministries are so different from the larger church. Students get used to the fun times and expect church to always be like that.
3. Once the games are over, the students will leave. If games are the main focus, students will come to expect them. If you try to have a time without them, you will see your attendance drop.
Don't get my wrong, I think games have a place but we need to not make them the entire focus that our ministry is based on. There are positive uses for games like to build community, break up a worship service or just to get to know students (almost all your students will have a game system at home). Games can help break down some walls that new students may have when coming into your ministry for the first time.
We need to focus our time with students and help them see who God is. If a game breaks out because of that, then no biggie.
What do you think?
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