Sunday 06/17/2007
Attendance: Way, Way Below Average
Lesson Topic:Choices: Red pill or Blue pill.Genesis 3
'Fun Factor': Average
Volunteer Involvement: Below Average
Music: None
Lesson Quality: Better than Expected
Length of Lesson: 40 minutes
Student Response: Average
This week was a real trial for me. I decided not to cancel service, because of Fathers day, because I didn't want to break any momentum. Our attendance was way down as a result but I think the students really got into it. We talk about choices and how those choices effect others, even when we don't think they do. Adam and Eve made a choice that effected the rest of human history. Our first parents, like most teenagers and adults, were given boundaries in which to live. But like most of us, they decided to test those boundaries and give into the temptation of Satan. God had given them everything with minimal boundary but they decided that they knew more than God. That choice caused God to punish them and human history was changed. Like our first parents, we are given rules and choices to make but we also choose to disobey those rules for a myriad of reasons.
Genesis 3 starts out with a terrible choice but ends with the ultimate love of God. Even though Adam and Eve disobeyed God and through mankind into a sinful whirlwind, Gods love for us never faded or changed. In love He clothed Adam and Eve as they left the garden of Eden. Many years later His love would once again cloth his creation. Jesus Christ came to die for our sins.
Think about the choices you make. Think about the process that you took to make that decision. Then, think about if God was part of that decision...
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