
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekend Wrap-up 09/23/2007

Attendance: Slightly Below Average
Lesson Topic: Live God Loud: Turn Up the Volume!
Fun Factor: Average
Volunteer Involvement: Above Average
Music: Slightly Above Average
Lesson Quality: Slightly Above Average
Length of Lesson: 30
Student Response: Above Average

We started our Live God Loud series tonight by talking about the Volume of our lives. Where does God fit in? Are we doing so much that we could never hear God talking to us? Our theme verse is Romans 12:1-2, where it talks about conforming to this world and being a living sacrifice for God. I know it isn't easy for students, because it isn't easy for adults, but we must strive to put God first in our lives and live like He would want us to. Look for the upcoming post regarding this series.

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