How much church is too much? This is a question I have heard asked, specifically about the amount of time that a child spends at the church. I was one who, as a child, was almost always at church. The church was my home. I went to school there, I played sports there, hung out with friends and learned who God was. So the idea of having too much church is foreign to me. My own kids are almost always at church.
But when I hear this statement, I begin to think about how much time we spend doing other things. How many hours do we sit watching football games? Playing video games? Hanging on Facebook? Practicing for sports? Band? etc. How can we as parents say that too much church is a bad thing, when if we looked at the rest of our lives we would actually see how little time church takes up.
Now, I will say that if you are in church and just hanging out or you don't feel like you are getting anything, I might understand. But if there are opportunities to learn, grow, fellowship and love God, then you can never have too much.
I see two major problems when it comes to how we think/do church:
First: I think we are too segregated as church. Overall. If you are a parent, you come in, bring your child/student to an age appropriate area while you go to church or Sunday school that is specifically designed for you. Your child is entertained/taught by child experts to meet their specific needs. There is not much interaction between parents and child during church.
Second: I think part of our problem is that we don't see church the way we need to see it. I feel we see church as just a building where we go, fulfill our religious duty and then go home. If this is the case, then no wonder we can think that you can spend too much time with God. How often do we enter church expecting something to happen. How often do we go, "Ok God, I am here. Show me. Use me". I think instead we walk in and go, "Ok, let's get this over with". We sing like we are supposed to. We recite liturgy when we need to. We listen to the preacher like we are supposed to but usually not expecting to hear anything new.
I have always seen church as a time for me to grow closer to God. A time to come and enjoy the presence of other believers, worship Him through song and here a message from someone who has studied and been lead by God. Now, I don't always feel like this. There are times when I am in church because I have to be, and I think that is ok. There have also been times when I have come with a bad attitude and through the service been changed.
How do you see church? Do you think you can really spend too much time at church? Let me know.