Wow, that is how I am describing the first official day of SYMC. I can't beleive how much went on today, how much I learned or how long today was. I said it yesterday, I am so thankful to be here and can already feel God using this to change me and help me grow.
I started the day waking up one hour earlier, 6:45, argh. I used the time to read the whole book of Galatians and a chapter in Doug Fields book "Fresh Start". I was checking my Twitter and saw that someone posted the following tweet "I think I am sitting next to @soulshaper. This surprised me and I started looking around and found a guy named John who follows me. We Talked for a bit and I headed to my pre-conference training. This goes along with the thought my wife had of buying me a t-shirt that says " I am soulshaper" since that is how most of my cyber friends know me.
My pre-conference tract was with Kurt Johnston, Scott Rubin and Johnny Scott dealing with Middle School Ministry. I really learned a lot about working with middle schoolers, their development changes and how was can reach students in this age bracket. One of the biggest take aways wasthat the faith development of students isn't a upward slant or even a roller coaster but more of a squiggly line. This helps me understand when a student is incredibly awesome one day and then a seemingly brain-dead moron the next. We need to meet each student individually and set their bar where they can reach it. One of my other take aways was, as a parent of a middle schooler, is that while I may think that my student wants to be more independent and make their own decisions, that isn't my chance to step completely away and be hands off. That is when I need to reach out and help them through their life. Friends are important but parents are still the number one influence and we need not give up without fighting for them.
My while team arrived today
and most of us went to eat at Giodarno's. I enjoyed the time with some friends and the food wasn't bad either. We brought home almost a whole one. Breakfast :)
The first general session was great and I really needed it. Sadly, I don't remember a lot of what Duffy said once he started talking about Passion. I began to think about how my passion has faded. I have fallen back to the idea that "I don't have to put much effort into it, kids will just come" and I need to fix this. i need to realize that God has called me to more than just getting by or thinking that I am why kids come. I need to remember what it was like to be a student and be there for them all the time, not just when it is convenient for me.
I am looking forward to sitting in Chap Clark deeper learning track "Thinking Theolically in Youth Ministry" and a trip to downtown Chicago tomorrow night.
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