
Monday, February 22, 2010

Christian vs Disciple

The other day, my friend Jason Curlee twittered the statement   "Number of times following words are found in the Bible: Christianity - 0 Christian - 3 Disciple - 263 Think there's a message here. Thoughts???"  As I began to think about this, it struck me that he made a statement that I have been looking for.  You see, in my 30 years of being involved in the church, I have come to the startling conclusion that not everyone who comes to church or even calls them self a Christian actually is.  I know, I know, it is hard to believe but it is true.  Most of them would consider themselves "good" people, so they think that by going to church they are Christians.  Unfortunately, outside the church you couldn't tell they were Christians.

I did a look up on Google (define: disciple) and this was one of the answer "A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others; An active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy etc".  You see, anyone who believes in God will call themselves a Christian but only Disciples are actually living the life that God has called them to.  To me a disciple is someone who is continually trying to learn and grow into the person they are following, in this case Christ.

I think in some churches, we don't want to rock the boat, so we don't challenge our members.  We don't push them out of their comfort zones.  I know in working with students, you always think about how busy they are and you don't want to make them feel bad about not having a relationship with Christ.  We can't upset the status quote (seems I hear a song).

So how can you know you are a disciple and not just a Christian?  Here are some things I think about.

  1. You have a moment when you knew that you needed God more than anything and you gave your life to Him.  I think we equate church attendance with godliness.
  2. God is more than just a word you use when you swear.  Your life has changed since you gave your life to God and you spend each day trying to live how He wants you to.  Not perfect but working at it.
  3. You are continually learning, growing and sharing your faith.  This speaks for itself.
Now please don't take anything I said that wrong way.  I want every student in our ministry to be a disciple not just a Christian.  I want our students to be people who live their faith and not just say it.

What are you, a Christian or a disciple?

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