I am feeling that right now. God is really working in my life and there are some major changes on the horizon, but I am having to wait, and I am having to trust God and I am having to surrender my desires to what God's will in my life is. I can't control what is going on. I know that God is in charge and He is working in my life, but I can't do anything about it except wait. I have to wait on God and for some of the time, it is driving nuts. I am going crazy. I wish I could tell my mind to stop trying to think things out, but I am doing a lousy job at it.
Really makes me know that actions speak louder than words. I mean, I know that God is going to take care of me and I KNOW that He is going to move me to where I want to be, but in reality I am not able to put all my faith in Him to do it. I know that I am getting caught up in this. I truly do believe that God is going to take care of me, but my mind likes to wonder. I am impatient (aren't we all) when it comes to these things. We want our lives to map out the way WE want them to, not someone else. Not even God. Pray for me this Wednesday. I am going to be doing something that can change a lot in my life and I want it to go God's way (but my way also :) )
PARTING SHOT: You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.
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