Last night Beth and I were going through some pictures because we wanted to fill the frames we have hanging on the wall with no pictures in them. We looked over many years of pictures. On our computer we have over 10,000 pictures that we have taken over the 12 years we have been married, plus we have scanned in a ton from when we were growing up. I enjoy looking at how I used to look over a decade ago. I was a lot thinner then... :( but anyways. I went through some pictures of my father and was printing some out to put in a frame dedicated to him.
This morning as I thought as I thought about those pictures and we ordered them from Wal-mart. I began to think about something a sermon that a pastor had given. He was talking about the Israelites and how when they crossed the Jordan River to go into the promised land, that Joshua had a member of each tribe of Judah to grab a rock and they made an alter when they finished crossing. This alter was a symbol to God for the Israelites to remember the things that He had done for them. As the pastor talked about this story, I began to think about all the other times that alters were made to God in order for His people to remember Him.
The pictures we take in our life are the same thing. As we look back across those events, or moments or times of struggles we remember the things that God has done for us. We might be viewing our wedding as the day God gave us our spouse. Or the photos from a family tragedy that took place and remembering what you have missed. Pictures do say a thousands words and sometimes we need to let them remind us of what God has done for us and be excited that he is working in our life.
What pictures or stones are you leaving in your life, that when people see them, they are reminded of how God is working in you?
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