I have had organized both paper and electronic. I have a pda that never gets used (not like an organizer). So as life passed me by, so did some deadlines or things I wanted to do. So slowly I have begun to get myself more organized. Since most of my time is spent in front of a computer, I looked to online tools to help me. And being the Google fanatic that I am, I am using their personalized homepage to help keep things together. On the image below you will see my general layout. I have a few add-ons for Gmail (E-mail), Google Calendar, Remember the Milk (to-do list), my weather updates, My Google Documents (both document and spreadsheet), a Google Notebook (for storing misc information found on website, etc). By having this screen available to me whenever I get on a computer with internet access, it is very easy for me to see what I have coming in, what things I have to do and what things will be coming up.
I know this won't work for everyone but it does work for me, but in getting organized, I have found that I have soo much stuff to do, that I must keep on top of everything. I am known to put things off for later but have really begun to focus on getting things done when they are supposed to be. As humans, we do this all the time. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to sin and our salvation. So many in the world running around saying there is no God because they want to make themselves feel better and to be held accountable to no one. Who needs a Good when I can just deny his existence and live my life the way I want to. I, as a Christian, must continue to show people who God is, not always by talking to them but in the way I live my life and the things that I do or say.

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