Tomorrow I will post the video from last nights service. We talked about taking risks for God and how when we are looking at our STORY and our gifts, that we need to make sure we are focused on what God wants rather than us or our parents or friends or the other influences in our lives.
God has given us a purpose and given us the tools we need to fulfill that purpose. Each of us has a role to play, and we think selfishly we move away from what God is wanting us to do. I have found my sweet spot in that I know I am supposed to be a youth pastor. I have been at my current church for 3 years and have built a program that is finally seeing some fruit. Kids are being saved, our praise band is kicking (thx Kyle), students are wanting to get more involved and they are growing spiritually. So many things to thank God for I would be here forever.
If you are not in your sweet spot, if you are doing things that don't make you happy, that are just to earn a paycheck, then I will tell you to start looking elsewhere. Find what you are good at, what comes natural to you, and ask God to show you what He wants you to do. It might mean quitting your job and doing something you never thought you would, but isn't God worth the risk. We talk about sacrifice all the time in church but how often do we actually do it.
Read Ephesian 4:11-16 and know that God is going to take care of you, if you are looking to Him and not you.
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