The weekend before we visited Platte Woods, we were in Savannah, GA interviewing at another Methodist church. We were excited about this possibility because of the location, close to the beach and to our families. We did really enjoy our visit but we just weren't sure if that was were God was calling us, and even more so after we visited Missouri. Well, GA wasn't going to make a decision till May 7th because they were interviewing someone else also. Once I accepted the position at Platte Woods, I emailed GA and told them that I was withdrawing my name from consideration and let them know that I would continue to pray for them. Well, last night I got a call from the head of the search committee asking me what they could improve upon in their search process to have made me feel better. After chatting for a while, he also told me that they other person they was supposed to interview had emailed them after I did and withdrew his name from their search. I felt bad, this church has had people bail on them on 3 different occasions. The church is very nice, very excited about youth ministry and offers a really nice package but they just can't seem to bring someone in.
For a fleeting second, Beth and I thought about the opportunity of going to Savannah but realized that wasn't where we needed to be. But it did bring up a good thought, and I might have brought it up before. Does God have a direct plan for our life or does He allow us to make choices? I talked to a friend last night who believed that God had a specific plan and placement for our lives. Our only thought has been to go where God leads us, but in our life we have felt that we had the option of where to go. Now looking back, we saw the difference between those options but either would have been good.
As we enter this new chapter in our life, we continue to pray that God's will will be done. I have been outside His will and I am still paying the price of my lack of faith. I don't' want to be there again.
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