
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Surf's Up!

Today was a great day for me. I went to the beach with Kaitlyn and the rest of my family. I havemt been to the beach in a while. I spent most of my time helping my nephews surf. The waves were 4-6 feet high a times so it was rough for them at 12 and 10.

My brother and I would get them through the break and help them get started. We had a blast. My brother and I tried to surf also and that was funny. I haven't used a 6 foot board in a while so it just wouldn't work. We spent two hours in the water. Playing in the waves and messing around.

The bad part is that I didn't put any sunscreen on and a currently paying for it. I am horribly sunburnt... I habent been this burnt in quite a long time. I probably need to remember I am a mid-westerner now and not a Floridian. I am sure I will be peeling in a few days, so that should be fun.

But it was well worth it. the water was nice and the company was great....

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