Lesson Topic: Live God Loud: Hanging with Jesus?
Fun Factor: Average
Volunteer Involvement: Above Average
Music: Average
Lesson Quality: Slightly Above Average
Length of Lesson: 215
Student Response: Above Average
We continue our series called "Live God Loud". Tonight we talked about having quiet time with God. We looked at some of the excuses, as well as how to prepare ourselves for our time with the creator of the universe. I believe this is one of the hardest parts of being a Christian than anything else. I know that I have struggled heavily with this. Life seems to take over when it comes time to setting time aside for God. We also did a practical application where the students were given a parable to look at and do a quiet time on. I asked them to Sum up the main point and to re-write the story in their own words. The Sr High did better with this than the Jr High did. I was surprised at how the Sr High really got into it and took it seriously. Hopefully this will help them get on the right track.

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