At lunch, I sat with a few students and said Hi to some others. Getting into the schools isn't always the easiest thing in the world. I tried to make this trip easier by contacting the Principal first. He had no problems letting me come in, just was cautious. The district allows me (youth pastors) to come in and sit with students. The funny thing is, once I got in, I had several teachers/ administrators that they thought it was cool that I came in and spent time with my students. I was laughing at it, but got some good conversation in with them.
I do find it funny how students respond to me coming. Most of them love it and get me to sit by them. I had a couple seek me out, but I also had others kind of ignore me. I always laugh at that. Anytime a student has introduced me to their friends, the reaction is good rather than bad. On several occasions, I have heard comments like "I wish my youth pastor would come visit me". I don't think I have ever heard anyone say the opposite. But oh well, I don't force myself on anyone. My goal is to visit each school where I have a student before the end of the year, we will see...
The soccer game was good, cold but good. We didn't stay for the whole game because of the cold and rain. We didn't want our kids getting sick. I like going to these games cause it gives me a chance to spend time with parents and watch the students. I also love watching and listening to the other students in the stands. I always find it interesting to see how they act, talk and hang with each other. The way they talk to their friends. Who they talk about.
One thing I did think at both lunch and the soccer game, is how many lost students there are in the Platte Woods and how most of them don't even know it. I and other youth pastors have our work cut out for me. Making the gospel appealing to kids who aren't interested, is a hard job. But like David against Goliath, we have a mighty God and He will give us the battle.
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