Over the last few months, God has really been working on me. I have struggled with where my place is in my life. Now, that might seem strange to some of you, but in Roy's world it makes perfect sense. You see, I know that God has called me to be a Youth Pastor. I know it beyond a shadow of a doubt. The question comes when I ask myself if I am doing what He has called me to do. Most of you know I am a Youth Pastor. I have about 30 teens that I am responsible for. I love doing this. I mean, I truly do Love doing this. My students are great. I have a great time talking to them. BUT, am I doing what God has called me to do.
Let me try to clarify. As a youth pastor, it is easy to get into a groove of doing things like activities. They are fun and usually easy to do. BUT as a youth pastor, I am called to do more than activities but to LEAD these students to a deeper relationship with God. That isn't as easy to do. It is not as "sexy" as having activities. The kids usually aren't as excited about it.
God has been working on me. He has helped me realize that I must put more of an effort into teaching my students about God. This doesn't mean more time, but a more concentrated effort. Do what I plan rather than skimming the surface.
Most of our lives are like that. In our christian walk, we are just skimming the service. We take as much Jesus as we think we can get by on. We come to church as spectators and mouth the words of the songs and halfhazardly listen to the sermon, not really putting it into practice. We are warned in Revelation 3:15-16: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
We have to be careful and not get caught up in the relax mode that this life can be. Yes, it might seem busy, but how much of what you do do you actually think about? How much of your life do you just cruise through? But like me, God has more in store for all of us and wants to do some exciting things in our lives.

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