The last couple weeks have been hard because we ended having to tell our church and our students that we were looking. I wasn't terribly upset to do that because I hated not being able to tell people. We know that this may cause some problems but we continue to trust in God that He will keep us and guide us where He wants us to go. We just want to be in full-time ministry, we don't really care where.
Well, we are continuing to wait. We thought we would have an offer within the last couple weeks but none have come. I am continuing to do interviews and looking for the right church but we continue to wait on God. Most of my life has been spent in spontaneity, with most of my decisions being made very quickly. And I know that God is in control. I know He knows the situation better than I do. I know He knows what I need to do in order to get my family ready to make the biggest move of our lives. But like a spoiled child, I want it now. I want to know the end of the story.
I love to watch Craig Ferguson on cbs.com. The man is really funny. In one of his dialogues he was talking about faith and how some people wanted to be sure about their faith and he said that you can't have both faith and certainty. If you have faith, then certainty doesn't matter, and if you have certainty then there is no need for faith. I know that God is working in my life to make my faith stronger. This is probably one of those times. Controlling my life has always been something I did myself, but over the years I have learned to give it over to Him. Most of the time I give Him lip service but still keeping my hand on the wheel, I believe this time, He is wanting total control and for me to move into the back seat where I can't touch the wheel.
Matthew 6:34 really speaks to this, and I know there are other places in the Bible that talks about worrying but this is the one I usually remember. "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."
I pray that God will continue to teach me faith and humility. Help me to know that I don't know everything and control nothing...
1 comment:
hmm. I didn't know it was 6-8 months that you guys have been looking. You've been ready to go since i got there...no fair lol. I'm just kidding like i said this is where you are called.
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