I realized this week that no matter what someone tells you, it is their actions that determine their true worth. Dealing with students you have to be aware that you are an adult and sometimes they don't come to you like they do their friends. And sometimes that is fine. My students are amazed at home much I know about them and what they do. Some of it is stuff I hear and parts are things I just know that teenagers do, no matter what they tell us. I also learned that people lie. This seems to be common among students no matter who you are. Lying is almost a part of life. I had several students flat out lie to me like it didn't matter. Lie to me like it was funny for them to do it it. And this isn't over something that was really wrong, just something small. Youth ministry is so hard, because you are up against a society that teaches almost 100% the opposite of what you are trying to, parents who are too busy or don't care enough to teach their child the basics of respect, friends who don't care about anyone but themselves and students who were never taught that hard work is well worth it.
I cry for my students sometimes. My heart hurt for them and the mistakes that they are making. Mistakes that are easily avoidable, but because students feel alone and afraid, they make anyways because they didn't feel the need to listen to an adult who cares. I cannot police the 30 students I have in my group, that isn't my job and would be a huge waste of my time because it wouldn't matter. That is the job of parents, not the youth pastor. I do what I can to help parents but when they don't care enough to push their child, it makes my job that much harder. I love parents and have a ton in my group who are trying to teach their kids right and wrong and make them better people, but I also have those who are almost none existent in the lives of their students. Not to say they aren't around, but that they aren't interested enough to find out what they are doing online, who their friends are or what music/videos they are listening to. All I can do is pray and do what God has called me to. Students and parents alike will make their own decisions, I can only plant seeds and pray that God will grow them.
On the good side, we had a great teen event this weekend. My students worked hard and really showed off their talents. The downside was that I didn't sleep for 40 hours. Man was I tired. I enjoy spending time with students. Sometimes I get frustrated with them, and really want to smack them upside the head sometimes, but I know that I might be the only one to care for them that day. But we had fun in Chattanooga and I think they learned a lot about competition and putting your best foot forward. I know some ego's were knocked down a few notches and that isn't a bad thing.
My Sunday was fine. Church was good and then we had a Super Bowl party to help support our NYC'ers. It was a good service, I felt ignored by some people. People that i shouldn't feel ignored by, but apparently something was wrong. I guess you can't please everyone. I personally feel like my life is in a stall right now. There are things about to happen but I have to hold on and wait for things to work out. Only time will help this and I know that. God is still in control, no matter what i am going through.
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