
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Weekend Wrap-up 07/22/2007

Sunday 07/22/2007

Attendance: Average
Lesson Topic: Are You Dog Loyal?: Ruth 1:16-18, Ruth 3:10-13
Fun Factor: Above Average
Volunteer Involvement: Above Average
Music: Below Average
Lesson Quality: Above Average
Length of Lesson: 35 minutes
Student Response: Average

We got back on track tonight with our worship service. We cancelled
last week because I wasn't feeling good. I hate changing our service
because it seems to throw off the students. The bad thing is that the
next two weeks are going to be off with me being out of town next
week and the Platte Woods Church at the Y on Aug 5th. I am praying
that things continue to go well. Tonight we were off because we
didn't have our gym time before service because there was a banquet
going on. Some kids grumbled but overall it was good.

Tonight's service was good. We had a great PowerPoint game that the
kids loved. The song was good and I think the lesson went off well.
We talked about Ruth and her relationship with Boaz and Naomi. That
story gives us a great example of loyalty and love. The examples of
how relationships should be. Dealing with our relationships without
our own agenda and doing what we promise to do, can make all our
relationships much easier to handle. Our students spend to much time
dealing with relationships with parents, friends and
boyfriend/girlfriends rather than worrying about our relationship with
God. Society shows us relationships are about what we can get out it,
rather than what we can put into it. God has given us great capacity
of relationships with Him and others but we often twist it for our own

Roy E. Probus Jr
Youth Pastor @ Platte Woods Church
Cell: 816.522.2946

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