I have struggled myself with whether to embrace Myspace or keep it at a distance. I have had a Myspace account for a while, and have a bunch of my students on it. I know the kind of information that is out there. Not just the sites of other people, but also the advertisements that go on your site. I have seen the tv shows the highlight the sexual predators that use Myspace to find victims and pray upon young students. I have also seen little girls who put pictures on their Myspace that would embarrass their parents if they were posted in the Family Photo Album.
With all that said, I use Myspace. I mean, I am not a freak about it and haven't changed my profile for a long time, but I do recognize that this is the only way some students communicate (more than email) and also allows me to see the creative side of some of my students. I also push parents to stay on top of their own students Myspace. Most of them don't even know how to get there, much less how to view their own students.
Recently, I have gotten 3 new friend requests from my new church. Jessica, Clarice and Logan have all added me to their Myspace. I have enjoyed looking over their sites and talking to them. I have also cleansed my friends list. I had 163 friends listed on Myspace, I am down to 89. I am amazed that people just add others without knowing who they are. Most of the ones I deleted were musicians who added me or people that I haven't talked to in years.
I think as youth pastors, we need to continue to embrace and educated our students and their parents about Myspace. Let them know the dangers of the information they put out there. The problems with showing too much skin and ways that they can protect themselves.
Let me know what you think???
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