First, don't ever take a baby to the theater. We took Kaitlyn and Beth ended up leaving with her before the middle of the movie (after her getting stuck upside down in the chair).
Second, this movie left me disappointed. I had high expectations for this movie, but I came away unfulfilled. I believe that Hollywood is catering to movie goers more than they should. Story lines in movies are becoming very predictable and boring. The Spiderman series is a perfect example. I have never been into the comic books, so I don't know the whole history behind it, but the deal with Peter and MJ is getting annoying. That whole relationship thing needs to just go away. The entire movie is based around their relationship, as were the first two. Enough already. Move on to the real Spiderman vs. the world deal.
The villains in this movie, aren't villians at all... The Hob-Goblin (Goblin's son) starts the movie battling Spiderman, but in the end saves his life. Sandman, starts the movie as the most hated man in Peter's mind, ends the movie getting a tear from Spidey. Venom is the only one who starts the movie bad and ends the movie bad.
When I got home, I read a review at www.pluggedinonline.com, and they really brought more of the movie than just watching it. Peter (and other characters) deals with the idea of revenge and how it can easily overcome you. He ends up battling and winning that fight but not before he hurts some of his friends.
The effects of the movie were nice. The CGI was incredible (as always). The plot line was tired and the acting was ok. It was weird seeing Kelso as venom. I think it is funny when guys who normally play funny people try to act serious or be the villian.
So let me know what you thought of the movie or if you think I am wrong.
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